One story I’d like to share is about a visit we had with a woman who had tried to kill herself several years ago by drinking cleaning fluid.  Her English name is Snow White.  Because of the chemicals she swallowed, her throat was badly burned, and she now has to use a feeding tube to eat.  Within the last year, she has become a believer through outreach activities of the women’s ministry in Rodas; a women’s ministry, which we learned on this trip, started from the work our church has been doing with the ladies in Rodas over the last two years. 

    The Rodas Baptist Church is very special.  I truly feel I have two church families, my church family in Montgomery and the church in Rodas. I know the members of Rodas Baptist Church are faithfully praying for me and for all of our team members who have traveled to Rodas.  They are also praying for our missions locally, around the world, and for this church.


A common thread I observed from our team’s comments about our trip was the unconditional love shown to us by the Cuban believers. I would say that every person from our congregation who has been to Rodas or anywhere in Cuba has experienced this love.  I always learn how to love more like Jesus after experiencing the way our Cuban brothers and sisters love us and by seeing how they love each other; but most importantly seeing how they love God.


  Please pray for the churches in Cuba, pray for their pastors, and pray for perseverance.  Pray for the lost.  And pray for our church members to continue to respond to God’s call to share His love in Cuba.  I promise you, if you go… it will change your life, it will change your heart and it will change your relationship with God. 

~ Viki Brant

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